📄️ Trends
To better understand trends in Algerian software engineering landscape, we asked our participants some questions about the technologies they use. We also interviewed some experts to enrich this report. Some of the interviews were with some developers and managers in different startups and government companies.
📄️ Cloud and DevOps
According to our survey data, public Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure are the most used by our participants. We notice a tendency to use Serveless/PaaS solutions such as Heroku, Vercel and Netlify.
📄️ Data and Machine learning
Algeria is improving in terms of "information society" and Knowledge Economy, both from governmental side and from private sectors. Additionally, the private sector and startups are mining data and making use of it to better leverage information technology in optimizing growth and profit.
📄️ Salaries and remuneration
In this section we present insights from our survey, examining salaries variation by experience and location. Salaries within the Algerian software engineering and IT sector operate in a dynamic and unregulated landscape.
📄️ Reported challenges
To highlight the challenges Algerian software engineers face, we asked our participants "What are the main challenges you face in your role as a software engineer in Algeria?", and the answers were the following (we redacted some free text inputs).
📄️ Remote working
More than half of our participants work remotely either for Algerian companies or foreign companies. We asked our participants who live in Algeria about their working model, and the answers were as follows:
📄️ Education and learning
This page is still a work in progress, and it will be ready in the next update!
📄️ E-Payment solutions
We asked our survey participants which e-payment solution they use. Stripe was the most solution with over 51%.
📄️ Agile ways of working
Because we are also Agile, we are publishing this as a draft, and we will iterate over it.
📄️ Cybersecurity and governance
The Algerian government established a national mission to raise awareness and improve different areas of cybersecurity in the country. In this section we will explore some of the findings in this area.
📄️ Open Source
We asked our participants How would you describe your involvement with open source software development? and the answers where the following:
📄️ Tech communities
In the recent years we saw an increase in the number of Algerian Tech communities. While other initiatives became inactive for different reasons.
📄️ A bright future
To conclude this report on a positive note, it's essential to highlight several improvement indicators. These indicators not only showcase progress but also serve as beacons of hope, highlighting opportunities and providing inspiring examples for advancement.