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Algeria Developer Survey 2024

ยท 4 min read
Abdeldjalil Fortas
Software engineer

In early February 2024 we initiated an effort to audit and assess the Algerian software engineering industry.

We have created a survey available in three languages: Arabic, in English, and in French.

The objective of this survey is to identify trends and challenges within the Algerian IT sector. It covers Algerians residing both in Algeria and abroad, regardless of whether they work full-time, part-time, or freelance, and whether they are employed by Algerian agencies or work remotely for foreign companies.

Our goal is to gather input from our community to gain a better understanding of our industry's trends, average salaries, preferred Wilayas for engineers, and the most commonly used programming languages or CI/CD tools.

The primary goal of our survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Algerian landscape and to publicly share aggregated results from our three surveys on this website. This will enable all stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of our field and identify potential opportunities for investment.


Who can participate in this survey?โ€‹

This survey is open to Algerians work in software engineering industry. To the Algerians who work from Algeria either for local or foreign companies, on-site or remotely.

The survey also allocates a section for Algerians who live and work abroad.

If you are still a student and you are learning to hack and code, you must not participate but please keep an eye on the results, maybe this will answer some of your questions.

Is this survey anonymous?โ€‹

Yes, as stated above and in the headers of our forms: The survey is anonymous, we do not record any personal data.

When the survey is done, we will run a scan to make sure that no PIIs were added in free text inputs before we start processing results.

The results will be shared as aggregates, as numbers and percentages or graphs, we won't share individual entries to save people's privacy (we believe you are smart and that it's a smart world, so we don't trust anyone).

Where can I see the resultsโ€‹

We will publish the results in this website and we will do our best to breakdown the results for a better analysis. We will also make sure to share the links to our results page to different channels of our social media (where you probably found out about this link).

Who can benefit from this survey?โ€‹

We believe this survey can answer some questions we always ask, we want this survey to help:

  • Startups by highlighting the trends, as they may want to use technologies which are trending in the market to make their tech stacks attractive to talents.
  • Hiring managers and headhunters by showing the trends in salaries and perks to better incentivize and attract talents.
  • Aspiring engineers and students by highlighting the trends, the salaries and opportunities in the country or abroad. We want our new engineers to see what other Algerians are using.
  • Tech bloggers and IT schools by highlighting what natural languages Algerian engineers are using, and what are their main interests.
  • Clubs, associations and government agencies by highlighting the main non-technical challenges Algerians are facing.
  • Software engineers by expanding the landscape they might know, and pointing to opportunities in other countries, other Wilayas, other working models, other industries, or for different tools and skills.
  • Entrepreneurs who can see an opportunity in some of the challenges Algerians face, or who can invest in one of the strength they can see in from the results.

How can I participate?โ€‹

You can fill one of the forms in the language you feel the most comfortable with:

If you want to support us more, please share this initiative with your network.